Training und Inspiration

Lass dich inspirieren und werde ein Experte in Sachen Neuseeland

Mach einen virtuellen Rundgang, nimm an unserem 100% Pure New Zealand Specialist Programme teil und erfahre mehr über unsere kommenden Trainingsveranstaltungen. 

Lerne Neuseeland kennen

Begib dich auf eine virtuelle Tour durch Aotearoa mit Highlights aus unserer Videobibliothek.

Experience New Zealand | Siberia Experience

Get even closer to some of the out-of-this-world activities your clients can enjoy on their next mission to New Zealand.


He Korero Tahi: Conversations with friends | Relaxation and Romance

This year Tourism New Zealand connected virtually with travel sellers across the world to chat about Relaxing and Romantic experiences in New Zealand.

Regional Spotlight | Wairarapa

Join us on a virtual tour of the small but stunning region, the Wairarapa. We'll explore the region's passionate producers, finest wine and breathtaking landscapes that your clients can experience.


He Korero Tahi: Conversations with friends | Wildlife and Nature

This year Tourism New Zealand connected virtually with travel sellers across the world to chat about experiencing wildlife in New Zealand.

Regional Spotlight | Aoraki & Mackenzie

Join us on a virtual tour of the stunning McKenzie District, where we'll discover the clearest starry skies, vivid longest glaciers and the breathtaking Aoraki Mt Cook Village.


A message from New Zealand | Great Outdoors

This is a message from New Zealand! Kiwi operators share what they think your client's should be looking forward to in New Zealand when they can visit again.

Regional Spotlight | Dunedin

Join us on a virtual tour of Aotearoa NZ's oldest cities, Dunedin. Get a glimpse of the town's cultural history, preserved heritage sites and wildlife tours.

Erfahre mehr über Dunedin

Experience New Zealand | Virtual Fam Trip

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