교육과 영감

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뉴질랜드에 대해 알아보기

비디오 라이브러리의 하이라이트 영상과 함께 아오테아로아 뉴질랜드로 가상 여행을 떠나보세요.

Experience New Zealand | Virtual Fam Trip

Discover more at traveltrade.newzealand.com

Experience New Zealand | Siberia Experience

Get even closer to some of the out-of-this-world activities your clients can enjoy on their next mission to New Zealand.


Regional Spotlight | Wairarapa

Join us on a virtual tour of the small but stunning region, the Wairarapa. We'll explore the region's passionate producers, finest wine and breathtaking landscapes that your clients can experience.


He Korero Tahi: Conversations with friends | Wildlife and Nature

This year Tourism New Zealand connected virtually with travel sellers across the world to chat about experiencing wildlife in New Zealand.

A message from New Zealand | Great Outdoors

This is a message from New Zealand! Kiwi operators share what they think your client's should be looking forward to in New Zealand when they can visit again.

Regional Spotlight | Aoraki & Mackenzie

Join us on a virtual tour of the stunning McKenzie District, where we'll discover the clearest starry skies, vivid longest glaciers and the breathtaking Aoraki Mt Cook Village.


Regional Spotlight | Dunedin

Join us on a virtual tour of Aotearoa NZ's oldest cities, Dunedin. Get a glimpse of the town's cultural history, preserved heritage sites and wildlife tours.

더니든에 대해 자세히 알아보기

He Korero Tahi: Conversations with friends | Relaxation and Romance

This year Tourism New Zealand connected virtually with travel sellers across the world to chat about Relaxing and Romantic experiences in New Zealand.

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